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Tuesday, July 2, 2013

Man of Steel or why this Sup let me down

Finally went to see Man of Steel yesterday.  Wasn't expecting something grandiose although initially found the early previews inspiring sadly there was no lift off to be had for this little earthling.  The first half was tolerable, the set design was a bit overpowering with some of the effects downright bizarre for instance the weird dragon like creature on which Jor El makes his initial escape.  Chalk that one up to an overactive imagination weaned on one too many fairy tales.  Russell Crowe brought just the right amount of gravitas to the role of doomed scientist/father/husband Jor El.  His performance along with that of Kevin Costner as Jonathan Kent were the highlights of the film for me.  Clark Kent is first seen as a handyman for all seasons with a dash of heroism thrown in when circumstances require it but he never seems happy about it. After all saving people should be fun and gratifying some of the time.  Clark's fortress is nothing like the soaring ice palace of old instead it's a rather somber place but in the space of a few minutes there Lois Lane discovers his secret, Clark encounters Jor El for a nano second chat and presto it's all about the suit and embracing his destiny.  They throw the word destiny around a lot.  This Clark can fly in fact that's mostly what he does as Superman,once in a while he also shoots fire from his eyes and gets beat up a lot by Zod and Faeora.
Henry Cavill doesn't have that much to do as Superman or as Clark Kent.  He has a minimal amount of dialogue, his face is rather inexpressive and his acting is wooden though he fills up that suit rather nicely.  Unfortunately there is no lightness to this Superman even a mild attempt at levity when he tells Lois to move further back before he flies off into the great beyond falls totally flat.  This Sup. just isn't funny, there's no twinkle in his eyes. Found the chemistry between him and Lois to be nonexistent, their kiss at the end did not register as anything momentous.  Laurence Fishburne was totally wasted as Perry White and there was no Jimmy Olson!

Absolutely hated Michael Shannon as General Zod.  Shannon can be a subtle, emotive actor (love his work on Boardwalk Empire) but the hair, the costume, the overacting it just added up to a little too much.  (Lex on Smallville was much scarier as Zod)  The second part of the film was just CG effects to the power of 10.  So many buildings falling down, so many cars, so much machinery in general, the eyes glaze over and the pounding headache starts throbbing.  It's relentless although the fights between Zod and Superman were filmed rather choppily, even appearing blurry at times.  This is one Superman who doesn't worry about collateral damage, human or material which does a disservice to the Superman ethos of preserve life at all cost.  In conclusion, bloated, big on special effects, light on character development,choppy editing it all ads up to one serious disappointment.  Destiny can be such a friggin drag.